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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

can't believe it'sbeen so long since i wrote anything here but things have been quite hestic
.had a very wet week in somerset in our little caravan,ducks were actually swimming around a caravan near us!still had a lovely time though and even managed a huge treat of a lunch in the rainbows end cafe in glastonbury,my favorite place ever!
.the kittens have been neutered,Jeff bounced back,but Mabel is still sulking!she still has a cone on and feels very sorry for herself
.eldest daughter has just had her 18th birthday and we celebrated with a party at home,and i am proud to say i laid on a huge buffet and all of it was home made and mostly home grown.would have been so easy to go to the supermarket and buy frozen pizza's and other such rubbish, but so pleased i didn't,everything was made with love,and i think people enjoyed it.
.its been full on harvesting,cooking and preserving from the laying down stores for the winter!
.we have 3 more chickens!ex batt's,so beautiful and them running to meet me with our original 3,lovely little flock!
so thats things updated.awaiting a level results this week for eldest daughter this week then gcse's next week for youngest daughter.young son says he wants to stay at Nana's till it's all over!
well off sloe picking now as there are loads down on the marsh near where we live.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done!!!
    I've just catered for 25 this weekend but I was not as homemade as you apart from the salad!
    Love the onset of Autumn everything winds down and we don't have to worry about the weather any more
    Take care Susan
