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Saturday 15 December 2012


I've been doing the christmas job stint at m and s,and am truly shocked at how much money people throw at the festive season!Hundreds of people spending hundreds of pounds on nonsense such as ready prepared veg you microwave in individual portions!I know the stuff is good quality and I wouldn't have a job if people didn't shop there but it seems slightly immoral when we live near some of the most deprived areas in the country.The town the shop is in is in an affluent little town full of footballers wives who probably don't know how to peel a sprout or roast a potato,it just seems so wasteful!
We'll be having 9 for Christmas dinner and it will be home grown veg(some frozen earlier in the year plus cabbage and sprouts from the garden and potatoes grown in sacks on the patio)my mother in law provides a turkey crown for the meat eaters and my sis in law is doing the nut roast this year,all in all probably costing what the folk I've met recently spend on a starter!
(m and s are great employers btw!!!)
(don't want to be sacked just yet!!)