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Saturday 23 May 2009


Another busy few weeks.both daughters are in the midst of exams at the moment,gcse's and a levels,but on a lighter note they have both had their prom's.not something we did in my day,but lovely all the same.We had pre-prom gatherings here and it was lovely to see them all in their finery.

Other good news is that Boris the broody has finally left her nest!After weeks of having to lock her out of the coup once the other girls had laid she has decided to join the flock again!

and finally...we have two kittens coming to live with us tomorrow from the rspca,jeffrey a ginger tom and mabel a little blck queen,can't wait!

Tuesday 5 May 2009


crikey,haven't written anything for a while have i?But i haven't been idle.Allotment getting into full swing and any spare time has been spent seed planting and dealing with Boris the very bad tempered broody hen.We've also had a couple of weekends away in our little caravan which i adore as it is all about simple living-no electricity,lots of reading,walking,board games etc,paring things back to essentials.
two eldest children are gearing up for gcse's and a levels,so offering support where i can.Mostly this is cake based!